That is a great question! We "trade" all the time in our lives. We go to the grocery store and trade our money for food. We trade our time for money. We could use the word "invest" or "giving" or "tithing" or "donations"... We like to "trade" into people with honour, time, money, resources etc. So the term "trading floor" seems right for how we operate. There is a lovely teaching out there by Ian Clayton that we will post (if we can find the link) to further explain this concept.
All that to say, if you would like to participate with us, here are the links for donations to our registered charity. (Donation receipts are issued at the end of the year and are sent our by Feb 28th via email or regular mail). (It still says "Catch The Fire Chilliwack" because we moved from Chilliwack and not everything has caught up)